A natural approach to bacterial vaginosis

Bushra FinchNews

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an inflammation of the vagina or vulva. It tends to be caused by the overgrowth of a group of bacteria.

If you prefer to deal with your health issues holistically, there are some natural treatments that might help.

Causes and symptoms

BV can affect women and girls. The vagina’s natural mucous helps to keep the tissue moist and healthy. However, there are factors and can alter the mucous and this can trigger inflammation of the vulva and/or vagina. These include sexually transmitted disease, poor hygiene, allergies and hormonal imbalance.

The main symptoms are

      • White vaginal discharge that covers the walls of the vagina
      • Vaginal discharge that smells
      • Vaginal pain
      • Vaginal itching
      • Burning sensation during urinating

Natural solutions

Pelvic steaming: Steaming will help to restore balance to the vagina, and Mizan Botanicals has a blend, Restore, which is specifically designed to balance the microbiome of the vagina https://www.mizantherapy.com/product/restore-steam-blend/

Turmeric: Curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric, is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant.

These properties mean that medicinal doses of turmeric can strengthen the immune system. It will necessitate taking tablet or capsules, or tincture, simply adding it to your cooking is unlikely to be strong enough.

Neem: Research has determined that neem oil has anti-bacterial properties and can fight candida albicans and streptococcus. Take it as a supplement and also to bathe the area with an infusion.

Garlic: Garlic can be used on the skin and internally. Add lots of garlic to your diet, or take as a supplement. To use externally, chop a bulb of garlic, pour on 1 litre of boiling water and infuse for several hours. Then sieve and add the liquid to a bath.

Chamomile: Chamomile may be useful in reducing inflammation. Wash the irritated areas with warm chamomile tea.

Tea tree oil: Never use this undiluted on the sensitive skin of the perineum, but it is useful to put a few drops in the bath. Add the oil to whole milk before adding to your bath water as this helps to distribute the oil rather than having it floating on the surface.

Yogurt: Natural live yogurt with the addition of some honey may help fight bacterial vaginosis. Apply externally.

Boric acid: Boric acid is an effective antiseptic and when used for BV helps to restore the pH level of the vagina.

You may be able to buy capsules or you can make your own by putting boric acid powder inside empty capsules. These are inserted into the vagina directly.

Dietary approach

Eating lots of vegetables helps to strengthen the immune system, so increase consumption of vegetables with any infection. While I’m not a fan of raw vegetable juices for long term use, in this situation it’s can be a good solution for a short term blast to the system, especially if you include leafy green vegetables, ginger, garlic and turmeric.

Other additions to your diet would include live yogurt, leafy green vegetables, lentils, ripe bananas, garlic, ginger and turmeric.

You’ll also need to eliminate a few baddies, such as fried food, sugars, refined foods, wheat and dairy.

It’s not enough to treat the symptoms, but you’ll also need to ensure you don’t have recurrent infections. Good hygiene is essential and wash with water each time you use the toilet. Make sure you wear cotton underwear and change it twice a day.

Never use soap or shower gel when washing your perineal area, have a fresh towel daily. And don’t forget to change sheets regularly.

Mizan can help, so make an appointment to see a practitioner.

If your symptoms persist, then see your GP as testing to isolate the infection can offer specific medications.