10 signs your womb may be tilted

Bushra FinchNews

10 signs your womb may be tilted

Your womb is at your centre – physically as well as being the source of your creative force, both for making and growing babies as well as bringing forth your passions into the world. Her optimum position is a delicate balance where she can perform her monthly dance with grace and ease. When she falls and trips, losing herself and her supporting muscles, she will communicate this with you through pain and dysfunction. Many of the signals she gives us are dismissed as “normal” and women struggle through each cycle, dreading menstruation and missing the opportunity to connect with the sacred cycle.

10 signs your womb may be tilted

  1. Painful menstruation – the first sign of a tilted womb is menstrual pain.
  2. Irregular menstrual cycles
  3. Dark blood at the beginning or end of your bleed, passing clots
  4. Hormonal imbalances – pre-menstrual difficulties, menopausal problems, anxiety
  5. Low back pain, particularly during menstruation
  6. Bowel problems that do not respond to dietary changes
  7. Chronic bladder or yeast infections
  8. Reproductive issues such as endometriosis, PCOS, polyps, fibroids
  9. Fertility difficulties
  10. Pelvic pain

These are all signs that your womb could be tilted, and yet when women seek medical interventions for what can be debilitating symptoms, they are not taken seriously. Even when a scan shows a tilted uterus, women are dismissed and told this is normal, lots of women have that. But if your car’s engine dropped out of place, you wouldn’t expect to drive very far would you? And your womb is your driving force, a powerhouse that propels you to live your life to its fullest.

So the burning question now is, can anything be done?

Yes! Mizan Therapy is a subtle yet powerful therapy that can help bring your whole life back into balance. As your womb gently reclaims her rightful place, refinding her and your centre, you will be able to shift the emotional blocks that can hold you back, as well as meet each cycle with love and joy instead of fear and dread.